
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Internet Marketing - 5 Reasons Why It Is for You

Why internet marketing is for you? Check out five reasons why:

1. Growing Market Base. As of December 30, 2007 data, Internet World Statistics reported that around 1,319 billion people use the Internet. Since worldwide population is more than 6 billion, that's only around 20% who is using the internet at the moment. This is a pioneering field-half the crowd has not yet discovered it. As the saying goes, "Early bird catches the worm."

2. Worldwide Reach. That goes without saying. After all, it's called the worldwide web. Do you wonder why some repressive governments jack up the price of having internet connection? Or why some companies sack their employees if they share about whatever secrets they feel is classified? It's because this is the information superhighway - and this is the only superhighway that has no end.

3. Freedom and Flexibility. From flexible hours, to flexible place of residence, to flexible wear while working, this reason has attracted many people from various persuasions-from parents who want to stay closer to their family, to outdoorsy types who wish to surf as often as they want, to adventurous people who are constantly on the move. With internet marketing, your lifestyle need not be tied up because of job commitments.

4. Spending Possibilities. As a marketer, your question probably goes to the meat of the matter: How much is my possible return if I get into it? Besides that the market is growing, showed that online ad spending in the US totaled $19.5 billion in 2007. And that's just the US. The site predicted that by 2011, US marketers will spend $36.5 billion on online advertising. In 2007, a total of $123 billion was spent online and the growth is said to be 21% per year. And advertisers are spending more on the internet than on the radio. If that's not a good reason why internet marketing is for you, I don't know what else.

5. Relatively Cheap. You start a business and it will cost you money to stock up on the product(s), rent space for it, advertise, hire staff, etc. With the internet, the most basic cost you will incur is your internet connection. The costs can really be pared down depending on your budget. And if you see those testimonies of great income opportunities by an internet marketer, they're usually just an individual who outsource other services they need, if they can afford it.

Internet marketing is for you...and for me...and for everyone who would be willing to take up the time to learn this new way of getting into business, of putting up the effort to work towards profit, of making a living out of it as many are already doing. In spite the loud cacophony of voices around, internet marketing takes time and effort properly invested for one to show long term and consistent profit. If you have all these, there is no reason why internet marketing is not for you.

JSosoban is a writer, editor and internet marketer. Her blogsite is at

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